Do you carry white shirts?
No, we are parents to a messy eater and frankly we’ve grown weary of washing blackberries out of whites. Just keepin’ it real.
I’m not a person of color. Can I still have my little wear your clothes?
Yes! We believe that it’s just as important to raise up a generation of allies that believe in justice. Send us a picture! We’d love to share it on social media!
My favorite shirt is out of stock! When will you restock?
We're a tiny operation with a toddler at our feet, so we're not able to print new shirts on demand. If we plan to restock a design or size in the near future (two weeks) we will include that in the product listing. Sign up for our newsletter to keep be in the know when products restock.
Do you carry newborn sizes?
No. As parents, we learned that newborns are only newborns for 2.5 seconds, so snuggle that baby and order a 6M shirt!
How can I sign up for your newsletter?
Tada! Sign up for our newsletter to keep be in the know when products restock.
How can I get my (or my child's) photo on your website?
We love to feature your child on our website as a real representation of our brand. Send us high-quality photos to shop[at]weartruthandgold.com. In submitting photos, you give us permission to include photos on social media (tagging when handle is provided), print materials (think business cards) and on your website.
I have an idea for a shirt! Can you print it?
We keep a list of shirt ideas on every note pad in our house, so send us your idea and we’ll sketch it on our list.